

Bio: MSc Zoology Himachal Pradesh University student. AIESECer (this will explain http://www.aiesec.org), part time violin student. I have great interest in anything that promotes multi-culturism 🙂 And well, I suppose my posts will reflect the rest...

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3 thoughts on “About”

  1. HELLO matshidisolp, im from morocco and i got accepted in himachal pradesh university to study a Master of commerce. should i go for it, what is it to be there like an african and what are the conditions(hostel, food, lifestyle…)
    Best regards

    1. Hi Hamza! First off, congratulations! It depends on what you looking for. Overall, it is an okay university, nationally it is recognized as one of the best- A-rated. My perspective: it still has a long way to go especially in terms of accommodating international students. Speaking of which, not a lot of Africans in this uni, quite frankly for the past year it has just been me. However, Himachalis (and HPU staff) are very welcoming andyou can expect great hospitality. Hostel facilities are not great, but since I have been here I have spotted some improvements no doubt. In terms of food, it takes some getting used to because yeah it is different. Also as an international student you can always opt for arranging for your own meals. I have shared a couple of stories regarding African students in India, so yeah maybe have a look. We all pretty much have similar challenges. So should you go for it? I can’t say but I definitely loved my experience here and would totally do it again!

      Hope that helps :))

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